1:31 PM
Seriously, I despise summer -- what a way to start a post after a two week hiatus of revising creative projects but I do despise late summer probably the worst.When talking to a certain beautiful female, she corrected me when I said that. "Well, the Celtic wheel of the year says it is late summer since midsummer (the 21st is also known to be the first day of summer as well)."
Sometimes I forget that I live on another planet.
And here's five things that have been making me happy on Planet B (not withstanding Planet Z)
Dear Disney and Tim Burton, Don't Fuck This Up!!
Completed as of June 25th, Disney and Tim Burton will once more be back together with the strangest movie-child. Well, not the strangest since the 1984 live action short of "Frankenweenie" was and is a portion of the Holy Grail to the Burtonites. And what better way to make a longer movie than to use Burton's stop motion animation that put him on the map. But what lesser Burtonites don't realize, this new movie merges his two first shorts together. Vincent (which is elegant and so wonderfully early Burton before Alice in Wonderland happened) and Frankenweenie.
But should we really be worried? Maybe. That's what movie speculation amongst friends is for!
Watch the trailer and we'll talk. Expect Frankenweenie in theaters October 5th!!
"Katy Perry, Consider Yourself Schooled!"
Because that's all I have for a blurb, so I'll let Le Kid take over this explanation.
Leela Lee Takes Angry Little Girls to Further Heights
What would be more magical than to see Kim, Disenchanted Deborah, Loco Maria, and the other little girls with big problems in animated shorts? Unfortunately I can answer that rhetorical question two ways, buying a five dollar ALG t-shirt at Silver Spider and the fact that MNet is taking a line-up of ALG episodes for their 2012-2013 season. Dates? That's still TBD but let us bask in this happiness through
.Is Healthy the New Skinny?
I have truly given up on the whole crap of sizeism. If someone is too small it's discrimination if you say something close to "Twiggy" or too skinny and if someone is too large you hear the word fat or pig and if someone is in the middle, they're just not good enough. So in light of that, I have finally decided to go with whether women have full hips or not. And thank you Jesus... and BUST Magazine... and Vogue Italia for making me a bigger pervert for beautiful women as three "plus size" models with real curves took over the cover and pages of Vogue Italia... last year but I'm enjoying them now. Now this is beauty or am I just being biased and beautyist?
2012 Candidates for Song of the Summer

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