5:26 PM
So every Monday night I'll be showing off at least under 10 things that are making me happy or a voguegastistic bitch the past week in pop culture, facebookland, twitterland, or random irreverent things here in Iowa City.
Why should you read me?
Sheer insanity, maybe.
Why should you read me?
Sheer insanity, maybe.

Here in Iowa City, the Bread Garden Market is the ultimate addiction for any foodie and for a rookie-rated foodie like me, even though I know the soup bar on a daily basis, I have been going in the last few times for the latest merch. And not just the newly prepared meals which are a plus (anyway to get cheap but good sushi) but a brand new brand of junk food. Sorry, Liz Lovely cookies like to be called "real food with real ingredients" but oddly with no lower calories which is a must in my mission to lose those last ten pounds. Regardless the half cookie for 180 to 210 calories, this is probably more of a recommended indulgence in all its organic and/or vegan glory. I passed little pieces to friends at the weekly Writer's Hangout on Friday and without asking what it was, they thoroughly enjoyed The Peanut Butter Classic cookie and LOVED it without ever knowing the vegan quality until I told them. That is a clear indication that these cookies will be trending in Iowa City soon.
Not only at the Bread Garden, the company has their own stores and even an online store HERE.

Here in Iowa City, the Bread Garden Market is the ultimate addiction for any foodie and for a rookie-rated foodie like me, even though I know the soup bar on a daily basis, I have been going in the last few times for the latest merch. And not just the newly prepared meals which are a plus (anyway to get cheap but good sushi) but a brand new brand of junk food. Sorry, Liz Lovely cookies like to be called "real food with real ingredients" but oddly with no lower calories which is a must in my mission to lose those last ten pounds. Regardless the half cookie for 180 to 210 calories, this is probably more of a recommended indulgence in all its organic and/or vegan glory. I passed little pieces to friends at the weekly Writer's Hangout on Friday and without asking what it was, they thoroughly enjoyed The Peanut Butter Classic cookie and LOVED it without ever knowing the vegan quality until I told them. That is a clear indication that these cookies will be trending in Iowa City soon.
Not only at the Bread Garden, the company has their own stores and even an online store HERE.
When interviewed for Entertainment Weekly on February 17th, 2011 primarily for his stint as Richard Castle, Nathan Fillion suddenly was feeling nostalgic for the beloved Firefly which prompted, whether in sarcasm or truth, Fillion quipped back with, "If I got $300 million from the California Lottery, the first thing I would do is buy the rights to Firefly, make it on my own, and distribute it on the Internet." That was enough for one amazing facebooker to start the campaign with a website and a facebook group. While the question is still up in the air of how much it really would cost to get Firefly away from the evil empire that is Fox, so far the facebook page has 17,109 hits and enough people with dollars burning in their pockets ready to donate for the greatest miracle in hipster heaven to be attempted.
Spread the facebook plague
HNBF site
When interviewed for Entertainment Weekly on February 17th, 2011 primarily for his stint as Richard Castle, Nathan Fillion suddenly was feeling nostalgic for the beloved Firefly which prompted, whether in sarcasm or truth, Fillion quipped back with, "If I got $300 million from the California Lottery, the first thing I would do is buy the rights to Firefly, make it on my own, and distribute it on the Internet." That was enough for one amazing facebooker to start the campaign with a website and a facebook group. While the question is still up in the air of how much it really would cost to get Firefly away from the evil empire that is Fox, so far the facebook page has 17,109 hits and enough people with dollars burning in their pockets ready to donate for the greatest miracle in hipster heaven to be attempted.
Spread the facebook plague
HNBF site
Mr. Little Jeans's "anonymity" has been shattered and we get a closer glimpse into her random and irreverent humor. Complete with an attachment of the unremixed "Rescue Song" as well as the youtube link to "Single Ladies." Put a ring on this, please!
You know what? It's not as horrible as it sounds. Really. Since my girlfriend is vegetarian (technically a mammaltarian, there's always room for sushi) I couldn't make my classic trademark baked chicken macaroni and cheese with Campbell's Cream of Chicken soup, I had to compromise with Campbell's Fiesta Nacho Cheese Soup. Oh God, it was the best compromise yet. Massively cheesy with the velveeta alone, the nacho soup added a soft spicy kick and best of all, it was a mere 160 calories once I calculated it on I'm a fan.
5. Justin Bieber in Rolling Stone

Criticism aside, there are a little bite to the way how Vanessa Grigoriandis wrote the interview with Justin, as a standard adolescent as an adolescent is: opinionated, presumptuous, and a little over the top. Seriously, IHOP, ice skating then watching him be reprimanded by his vocal coach? Let's just say Bieber dug his own grave through a modern day version of "We're bigger than Jesus" in form of opinions of abortion and the American health care system.
The Canadian-born Bieber never plans on becoming an American citizen. "You guys are evil," he jokes. "Canada's the best country in the world....We go to the doctor and we don't need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you're broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard's baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby's premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home."
He isn't sure what political party he'd support if he was old enough to vote. "I'm not sure about the parties," Bieber says. "But whatever they have in Korea, that's bad." He does have a solid opinion on abortion. "I really don't believe in abortion," Bieber says. "It's like killing a baby." How about in cases of rape? "Um. Well, I think that's really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I don't know how that would be a reason. I guess I haven't been in that position, so I wouldn't be able to judge that."
I'm trying so badly to look at it all objectively without getting a little angry at Bieber's opinion, but unfortunately as a woman I just have to roll my eyes and say that's just an example why children should be seen and not heard. And those words weren't an expansion, Rolling Stone explicitly states on its site that Bieber's phrase was word-for-word.
I just find it unfortunately ironic when earlier in the article, Grigoriandis tells the background of Bieber's own mother of how she was sexually assaulted at fifteen, although an abortion or pregnancy had not come of it, you seriously have to wonder... would have the Biebs... *insert Tourette style "swag" here* have a different opinion if his mother did happen to get pregnant from her sexual assaults? We can either call this great journalism portraying how today's youth is heavily inconsiderate or asking a teenager about his current event opinions and show how little today's teenagers really care.
Either way, thank you Grigoriandis, for putting this fire under my ass.
- 1 cup Krogers Elbow Noodles
- 1 oz Velveeta Cheese
- 1/2 cup Fiesta Nacho Cheese Soup
- 1/2 cup Skim Milk
Boil elbow noodles as long as needed while simultaneously dicing velveeta.
In a greased casserole dish, mix all ingredients together then place in oven 400 degrees for 45 minutes. Occasionally stir to mix cheeses together.
5. Justin Bieber in Rolling Stone

Criticism aside, there are a little bite to the way how Vanessa Grigoriandis wrote the interview with Justin, as a standard adolescent as an adolescent is: opinionated, presumptuous, and a little over the top. Seriously, IHOP, ice skating then watching him be reprimanded by his vocal coach? Let's just say Bieber dug his own grave through a modern day version of "We're bigger than Jesus" in form of opinions of abortion and the American health care system.
The Canadian-born Bieber never plans on becoming an American citizen. "You guys are evil," he jokes. "Canada's the best country in the world....We go to the doctor and we don't need to worry about paying him, but here, your whole life, you're broke because of medical bills. My bodyguard's baby was premature, and now he has to pay for it. In Canada, if your baby's premature, he stays in the hospital as long as he needs to, and then you go home."
He isn't sure what political party he'd support if he was old enough to vote. "I'm not sure about the parties," Bieber says. "But whatever they have in Korea, that's bad." He does have a solid opinion on abortion. "I really don't believe in abortion," Bieber says. "It's like killing a baby." How about in cases of rape? "Um. Well, I think that's really sad, but everything happens for a reason. I don't know how that would be a reason. I guess I haven't been in that position, so I wouldn't be able to judge that."
I'm trying so badly to look at it all objectively without getting a little angry at Bieber's opinion, but unfortunately as a woman I just have to roll my eyes and say that's just an example why children should be seen and not heard. And those words weren't an expansion, Rolling Stone explicitly states on its site that Bieber's phrase was word-for-word.
I just find it unfortunately ironic when earlier in the article, Grigoriandis tells the background of Bieber's own mother of how she was sexually assaulted at fifteen, although an abortion or pregnancy had not come of it, you seriously have to wonder... would have the Biebs... *insert Tourette style "swag" here* have a different opinion if his mother did happen to get pregnant from her sexual assaults? We can either call this great journalism portraying how today's youth is heavily inconsiderate or asking a teenager about his current event opinions and show how little today's teenagers really care.
Either way, thank you Grigoriandis, for putting this fire under my ass.
Dr. Ozzy Osbourne answers sex and relationships questions now! And in lieu of this, when asked if a man's sex life is altered because of porn overload unable to give his wife the sex she deserves but is sure that his twig and berries has suffered from porn... Ozzy reprimands the questioner with this statement that made me want to get up from my seat in the coffee house with a hallelujah. "Women didn't stop getting pregnant when the internet was invented."
Lykke Li always aims to please with the smallish audience that knows she exists. As a love child between Lady Gaga (although Lykke precedes the Lady) and Yoko Ono and maybe a little of Bjork's ovary, she makes odd music quirky and actually likable. Wounded Rhymes is going to be out on March 1st, and last Friday stereogum issued another tease from Miss Li, "Love out of Lust" makes neo-medieval music become ear candy.

Valentine's Weekend I was in Ames for a wonderful four days with my girlfriend, who decided after seeing her on stage for the first time in the Vagina Monologues Thursday night, she took me out on a romantic date at her favorite place, The Cafe. There, I met her.... her... HER! Her name was Chocolate Truffle Cheesecake, and it was love at first lick. Sweet and cheesy, chocolaty and rich, she was a foodie's dream... wet dream. So what could my lovely lady (oh yeah her...) possibly do this weekend to make it more perfect after not seeing her for about a week? Oh I don't know, bring me a slice? It was love all over again on a rainy Sunday afternoon, ABBA therapy through the movie Mamma Mia (which I will be writing on soon) and slow fluid fork penetration into the cheesecake to my mouth. It was heaven all over again and I almost forgot about the wonderful happiness I get with my girlfriend. And it's fine by her that I'm cheating on her with what we have nicknamed "the sex cheesecake."
Dr. Ozzy Osbourne answers sex and relationships questions now! And in lieu of this, when asked if a man's sex life is altered because of porn overload unable to give his wife the sex she deserves but is sure that his twig and berries has suffered from porn... Ozzy reprimands the questioner with this statement that made me want to get up from my seat in the coffee house with a hallelujah. "Women didn't stop getting pregnant when the internet was invented."
Lykke Li always aims to please with the smallish audience that knows she exists. As a love child between Lady Gaga (although Lykke precedes the Lady) and Yoko Ono and maybe a little of Bjork's ovary, she makes odd music quirky and actually likable. Wounded Rhymes is going to be out on March 1st, and last Friday stereogum issued another tease from Miss Li, "Love out of Lust" makes neo-medieval music become ear candy.

Valentine's Weekend I was in Ames for a wonderful four days with my girlfriend, who decided after seeing her on stage for the first time in the Vagina Monologues Thursday night, she took me out on a romantic date at her favorite place, The Cafe. There, I met her.... her... HER! Her name was Chocolate Truffle Cheesecake, and it was love at first lick. Sweet and cheesy, chocolaty and rich, she was a foodie's dream... wet dream. So what could my lovely lady (oh yeah her...) possibly do this weekend to make it more perfect after not seeing her for about a week? Oh I don't know, bring me a slice? It was love all over again on a rainy Sunday afternoon, ABBA therapy through the movie Mamma Mia (which I will be writing on soon) and slow fluid fork penetration into the cheesecake to my mouth. It was heaven all over again and I almost forgot about the wonderful happiness I get with my girlfriend. And it's fine by her that I'm cheating on her with what we have nicknamed "the sex cheesecake."
We all know of my love to hate stance on Glee, maybe it's a bit unorthodox after my last post, but after last week's Puck/Lauren storyline, it had made me love Miss Lauren Zizes (ZY-ZEES) even more. When we first saw her in the first season, she was the pure stereotype of "that fat chick" in high school, constant candy references, showing the multi-political themes of childhood obesity, consumer generation, etc etc. It sickened me.
But after Murphy finally broke through the stereotypes by season 2 and showing not only is Zizes a plus-size girl with a pension for junk food, but the fact she has a bigger-than-life attitude towards men, especially Puck, and for being a female wrestler. She demands for Puck to impress her, make her feel like not only a bigger woman which he actually enjoys but to prove to her that he enjoys other aspects of her. Feminine empowerment for the win! I was the "that fat chick" in high school as well, but I only wish I had someone like Zizes to make it look cool back then, before Mika wailed in libretto, "Big Girl, you are beautiful."
Despite the feminine empowerment, I would like for Fink herself, if it effects her health, to lose weight. Maybe I was a little put off at first at her appearance, I can't wait to hear her voice more as her first solo last week "I Know What Boys Like" was mediocre at most, but Ashley Fink, a singer and dancer, has a lot more in the back of her pocket instead of a Snickers bar, so let's see it already!!
But after Murphy finally broke through the stereotypes by season 2 and showing not only is Zizes a plus-size girl with a pension for junk food, but the fact she has a bigger-than-life attitude towards men, especially Puck, and for being a female wrestler. She demands for Puck to impress her, make her feel like not only a bigger woman which he actually enjoys but to prove to her that he enjoys other aspects of her. Feminine empowerment for the win! I was the "that fat chick" in high school as well, but I only wish I had someone like Zizes to make it look cool back then, before Mika wailed in libretto, "Big Girl, you are beautiful."
Despite the feminine empowerment, I would like for Fink herself, if it effects her health, to lose weight. Maybe I was a little put off at first at her appearance, I can't wait to hear her voice more as her first solo last week "I Know What Boys Like" was mediocre at most, but Ashley Fink, a singer and dancer, has a lot more in the back of her pocket instead of a Snickers bar, so let's see it already!!
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