November 5th's Feast Your Ears and Taste Buds on This! Vspot

by 1:51 PM
Culture is starting to mount, so you know where to find me....

...Underneath a gigantic pile of massive -gasm attacks.

....Oooh yeah.....

Iowa City Song Project

I have sung praises of The Iowa City Song Project both in spirit through ushering at the Historic Englert Theater downtown, and bodily with hanging out at the release parties this weekend with visual evidence... oh yeah and my article on as a show preview. Allow some of my favorite mashmallow peeps to explain... 

So Friday night was my Englert ushering duty, and in my quirkiest usher costume yet with the respect to not take pictures while "on the job", I experienced Christopher the Conquered in rare and magical form, finally saw this Caroline Smith and the Good Night Sleeps and Pieta Brown everyone talks about, and the magically indie Chasing Shade.

But it was The Mill show that had to be my night for great picture-taking and beautiful women on strings. Sky Carrasco (as I sit in the place where she used to barista), that gorgeous cello player friend of hers, and the cute girl in The Emperor's Club. It was a good good night, in the least Black Eye Peas way possible.

We Shave
Sky Carrasco

Emperor's Club


Now I just need to get my paypal hooked up and I am soooooo getting this digitally! (There's additional music in the digital copy!) Would you believe Iowa City is a musical epicenter?


There. are. no. words. NONE!

(except, airbrush much?)

Jack White Battles Himself 

Like I said when I posted this video on facebook: can I haz the cute 60s goth go-go girl? Please?


While Madison may have always been around mixing and DJ-ing it up all around New York, she finally has a new song out and even an EP out next February! Granted the future pop Goddess (oh yeah Madonna fans, I went there) has told Nylon Magazine in a prior interview to this one (with free download of Sweet Life) that sometimes a song comes to her naturally and it may take awhile to get music from her, but when one does, oh Goddess is it worth it! It is worth it, download and love amorously! 

Experience The Haunted Man

Hipster alert! Now you can stream my fashion and quirk Goddess, Natasha Khan or better known as Bat for Lashes's new album on NPR! Now with a cute banged bob and a more orchestral approach to her music ("Winter Fields" is a song you just want to fold yourself up in) she's breaching into Kate Bush territory -- or so the reviewers are saying. Natasha Khan is Natasha Khan. Who else can come up with the line "skitty rabbits make good paper ghosts?"

An Open Letter: Aly Spaltro, Walk With Me!

Have you ever experienced a supporting act that blew your mind into kibble with their music and in between songs you realize you want to be her best friend? Aly Spaltro, or better known as Lady Lamb the Beekeeper, is that for me. And dear Goddess, not only does she have a magnificent voice but she has a quirktastic presence and loves Iowa City as much as I do! That's it, Aly, come back and play at The Mill, and I will buy you cheese bread, then go out after for frozen yogurt. Iowa City the bar scene? Pft. Fro yo, bitch! (Yeah, OK, there's a little bit of a crush there too...)

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