"Into My Closet": Tis the Season to Look Short

by 12:04 PM
A 5'4" girl can't help it, but with all of the magical elements of fall fashion from super layers to bulky sweaters to calf-high boots, a girl can't help but look munchkin-size this time of year unless you're a model from Nylon or i-D Magazine. But I don't complain....

... I kinda lie....

Remember when I call the back area of Ragstock a magical Narnia of clothingdom? Guess what, it still is... as I have found this lovely brown wool blend (my favorite kind of sweater) shrug for 8 dollars, using it as a pop of color against black. Black and brown together has made its grand comeback sometime last year. 

However, I do know the one thing that would save this outfit is in the pants -- color squishes a girl like me together so it would make sense to wear all black, elongating between the black of my undershirt (my trusty black studded shoulder scoop that I wear almost everyday!) and the legendary Lorenz 2.0 boots. 
Although if color stops right around the waist, it's more than forgivable because you have half of your body covered in black. And I actually love this silhouette on me and this is one of my favorite outfits because for awhile there it seemed like a very 60s silhouette (blame me and watching a fourth of the first few years of Dark Shadows, black and white shading in wrinkles in clothes fascinated me), the sweater stopping just a little above the part of the skirt that naturally ruffles.

Same rules apply to this situation, this magical situation completed with a 2.50 (TWO-FIFTY!) sweater from a consignment pop-up store in the five dollar bin that went on sale on a weekend (more outfits coming in the future), 8 dollar boots from Ragstock's back room and an adorable 3 dollar teal glasses necklace from Ragstock. 

I think it's OK to look like a munchkin if the clothes swallow you up in the right way, just try everything on and find what works and what doesn't.  

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