September 26th's Super-Massive Vspot

by 7:07 PM
So much new music and entertainment news, so little time! (Well that's a lie for the unemployed...)

Annie Clark (St. Vincent) composes

At number 19 in the Billboard 200 and number 9 in the Rock albums chart as well, St. Vincent doesn't disappoint with her new album, "Strange Mercy" which has been out for a few weeks now. So, in the immortal words of Natasha Khan (Bat for Lashes)'s "what's a girl to do" now that she has college kids singing "Cruel" on top of their lungs? Be the female Beethoven! In collaboration with yMusic, a sextet ensemble of 20somethings, she has created "Proven Badlands" for yMusic's "Beautiful Mechanical" that comes out tomorrow on New Amsterdam Records. But Annie's "Proven Badlands" can be downloaded here.

Glee's "Sneaky Gays"

 Jane Lynch is back at the satirical grips of Ryan Murphy and the writers of Glee; knowing that the words her character says about the arts equaling death and comments on gay people (see link) seems to only be appropriate for her storyline for the new Season 3. This season, Sue Sylvester is out for ... tea? In the running as a Republican Tea Bagger for the GOP, Sylvester seems to be spot on in her dialogue of Partier's beliefs to the point you can see the satire and the blatant truth so much it makes you want to lose your faith in humanity. Possible satirical character opposite her in the tradition of Michele Bachman? Possible jokes about Iowa's votes? Gee... I can't wait?

Jenny Slate's interview with BUST Magazine

There is a point while reading BUST or Bitch where any shade of a feminist can get so excited over a celebrity's words it makes them want to holler out a "hell yes!" This happened to me... on the bus... *headshake* Well, considering where feminism is at right now it's a rarity to hear a woman who is actually content with being a woman; the periods and everything. Despite the fact we have long running sexist jokes in comedy against the woman's favor over how we are perceived during "that week of the month" and female menstruation shame still in Western culture and consumerism, it's so fantastic to know that SNL cast member Jenny Slate says differently about herself. 
"I was so pissed as a six-year-old that I had a child's body - not because I wanted to have sex. I just wanted to be a woman. And I love being a woman. I love my bras, I love my tampons - I literally just love being a woman."
This is so encouraging to hear! While she is very feminine there was no feminine-shaming going on in her interview with BUST, as is common if a shamelessly girly woman gets a comeuppance of being too consumerist or fashion conscious in the eyes of feminism. Where are these female role models who don't mind their periods (besides me...) and are just happy with being apart of the most mystical gender? And even better question, where... OH WHERE can a girl get some Lunarpads offline and for cheap? Seriously, next time you strap a pad on it is known there is over 12 billion pads and 7 million tampons filling landfills in a single year.  

Aqua's New Video "Playmate to Jesus"

About 3 weeks ago I advertised in the Hot Hot Love Vspot that Aqua is back and done playing with their Barbies for more serious themes... like fucking like a Robot or even Jesus. And the video of "Playmate to Jesus" which was released just last Thursday, shows purgatory as a house where the band is held captive in as Lene sings how she longs to be a playmate to Jesus while wearing Gaga-esque shoes. In the end, a member goes up into a bright light in the attic and goes straight out the chimney, showing that people will, in fact, go to heaven. Or at least that's what I took from it. Aqua's "Megalomania'  is unleashed October 3rd.

Riley Keough's Jack to Juno Temple's Diane, Not Your Dad's Mellencamp Song

Riley Keough in i-D Magazine
Still in filming mode and already heavily criticized as a "lesbian werewolf movie" -- which it isn't, according to writer and director Bradley Rust Gray known for Angelina Jolie's "Salt" flick, as there is still very little information being told about the movie. What Riley Keough was able to tell i-D magazine that it is very expressionistic and almost in the same vein as "Black Swan." Excited now that it's compared to "Black Swan?" So am I.

Keough and Temple's teenaged characters meet up in New York City for one steamy make out session, yet the one night of sexual awakening affects them both differently. Keough's Jack tries to deny her feelings and pushes Diane away upon learning that Diane is leaving the country in a week. It's either Jack or the actual sexual awakening (non-Lesbian withstanding, I would love to believe) Diane starts to have vivid and frightening dreams while trying to hide a huge secret simultaneously.

Supporting characters also include Kylie Minogue and Jena Malone of Suckerpunch fame.

Leisha Hailey kicked off Southwest Airlines

So what does a lesbian actress to do when she's booted off an Airline for simply "excessively" kissing her girlfriend of four years? Cause a twitter war, because that's the most mature thing to do. <insert sarcasm here> Leisha Hailey was escorted off Southwest Airlines yesterday and immediately went onto twitter to announce, "We were escorted off the plane for getting upset about the issue." 

This isn't the first time Southwest Airlines had escorted a celebrity off, recently Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day fame was escorted off for wearing slouchy pants and in past years Michael Moore for being too overweight. So why is it that two happily coupled women are added to the sins according to SW Airlines? They are still coming up with a valid answer as Hailey continues to litter her twitter in the way that only a scorned LGBT Totalitarian can do:

"This is an outrage. I demand a public apology by @SouthwestAir and a refund. Hate is not a family value. I will never fly this airline. We were escorted off the plane for getting upset about the issue. @SouthwestAir endorses homophobic employees. No one made her accountable."

"Since when is showing affection towards someone you love illegal? I want to know what Southwest Airlines considers as 'family.' I know plenty of wonderful same sex families I would like to introduce them to. Boycott @SouthwestAir if you are gay. They don't like us.

I would hate to sound against my fellow LGBT family (term used loosely) but we heard the same complaint that SW Airlines has taken a long time to give answers for Armstrong and Moore's apologies. Do your research, Hailey, as much as you rocked my socks off last April in concert, has there been any other homophobic attitudes? Or was it because you're a known LGBT celebrity versus the rest of us? In the time being, it was a simple "can you not kiss?" I had that in small town Iowa, in a coffee house and you know what I did? I laughed it off and directly into the waitress's face. I didn't turn into a total drama queen for the case of "Yay Gay." the "Yay gay" in celebrities is starting to become too look-at-me-I'm-gay-and-liberal whenever one tiny happening occurs. This is what happening to our society in general, everyone is so damned sensitive.

BUST Magazine's Fall Shopping List

I have found my spirit fashion guide in Bust blogger Kristina Uriegas-Reyes in her "My Fall Wishlist" post last Friday which praises the season of "Tights and Sweaters" which in the voguegasm world is the equivalent of "Sweater Tights and Biker Boots" season. Kristina, i think it's love between the black cloak (although it looks brown) and those pink saddle shoes. I WANT! As a fellow blogger, can you help a girl out in getting the depeapa flower bag on a discount?

Dum Dum Girl's New Video "Bedroom Eyes"

Dee Dee and crew are back to melt your faces with their heavy eyeliner, bright red lipstick and massive long legs (Thank you Jesus!) covered n retro tights. While "Only in Dreams" which was recently had low reviews for anyone who's a hardcore fan or expected more fuzzy softcore. But it's there, just evolved, and more 60s inspired which makes it capture my ears. 


  1. There are worse things than getting off a plane and better things to do than tweet about it. I like the Zendik Farm slogan: "Stop bitching. Start a revolution".

    The yMusic track is wonderful.

    [Did you know that there is an intrusive advert covering up part of your first paragraph. There's no way to x out of it and if I click on it it dumps Voguegasm for its own crummy site. GAH!]

  2. I guess I can't see that advert... weird. Well, I did water down the Leisha Hailey news to the point I disappointed some people in the process. Actually Marie, remember when I said there was something on the upcoming vspot I knew you would like? it was the yMusic. ;)
