3 Ways January 2013's Glamour Magazine Annoyed Me

by 9:25 PM
What the bleep did you guys dress Anne Hathaway in on the cover? This does her beauty no justice other than the One Billion Rising top; you can totally style the shirt without making it look trashy!

I really don't think I want a magazine assuming and dictating how *I* should express myself; thanks for the valiant magazine theme but haven't you always given the distinction that your readers are strong independent women with their own minds?

Dear Fortune Feimster, I love you, you're hysterical but giving an "E-How" on how to say "I'm gay" is doing no favors to the progression of gay in popular culture -- it's taking it back to stereotypes. I understand stereotypes are funny but if there's a way to progress it, your article did no favors. But it's OK I still love every inch of your curly hair!

What They Did Right:

Making me love Anne more than I already do! (And in yellow Alexander McQueen)

Giving Eve Ensler work (Anne Uncensored)

Showing Kelly Osbourne and her awesomeness off even more! 

Plus-size models!!! (We Like Your Look)

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