My Top 10 Signs It's Turning into Autumn

by 3:25 PM
1. Stars and Metric start showing up on your Ipod or MP3 player (perfect fall music)
2. You have a craving to be wearing thigh high boots, scarves, layers
3. You have a craving for soup and hot casseroles
4. You are perfecting your "Carrie strut" specialized for the cooler weather (what? I'm the only one?) 
5. Nothing sounds better than scary movies assisted with a BIG bag of assorted candy
6. You start painting your nails the "it-colors" for fall a month or two earlier
7. You start planning your Halloween costume 
8. Staring at leaves and nature waiting for them to brown up
9. When you realize the connection between Autumn and the smell of old books (for real, it exists)
10. When walking in cooler weather with a to-go coffee mug in one hand and a large Gothic novel in the other sounds extremely appealing.

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