Good Hocus Pocus Observations That Make You Think

by 8:47 PM

We all know the classic lines, the dance moves (what? I can't be the only one!) and the majesty that is Bette Midler, but after awhile you have to wonder a few things, that is, if not the anachronistic stuff. You know, like when Winifred Sanderson jokes "Pull over, I want to see your driver's permit" or that the Sanderson sisters were burned in October 31, 1692 when the witchcraft hysteria literally just ended a few days before (as well as resulting in the death of my ancestor, Susannah North). Despite my feelings about what "Hocus Pocus" is based on, you have to appreciate Kathy Najmiy's underrated-ness, Sarah Jessica Parker's over the top yet strangely enigmatic seductiveness, and Bette Midler being, simply, Bette Midler. 

  • It's very apparent there are no pictures of the Sanderson sisters in the museum/home yet somehow those three little girls who stole their brooms dressed up as the witches are strangely accurate to their outfits. 
  • The end of "Hocus Pocus" is very indicative of how old you are. If you're younger, the brother-sister dynamic kind of flies over your head. When you're older, you're just a huge sobbing mess wanting to hug your siblings... or a cat... BINX!! :(
  • If Thackeray Binx in cat-form can talk then why didn't he try to get his Dad's attention versus just meowing and brushing his leg? (I understand why plot-wise, but in the moment, come on!)
  • What is it with that scene between Mary and Winifred when Midler's character is distraught losing her book and getting fanned that's just so perfect? Even with the paper-thin plot, the witchs' characterization is just fantastic and shows off how Winifred prefers Mary over Sarah considering the Billy Butcherson incident.
  • Is it really necessary for Sarah to hike up her dress when dancing with "Satan" (Garry Marshall <3)? Her dress really isn't that long! Sexual innuendo, anyone?
  • Allison reads from the info cards in the Sanderson museum/house that Winifred sold her soul to the devil, so why is it that Mary and Sarah also call the fake Satan, "Master"? Nurtured behavior from their older sister? 
  • Can someone please explain to me how Jay and Ice get dragged miles from that neighborhood out to the Sanderson house? (It's kind of presumed the house is out of the way.) It's impossible to be done by magic otherwise the sisters would have used magical transport when they lost their brooms. There is no way three female witches can lug two teenage boys (especially a hefty one) all the way to their house unless they put them under some kind of spell. #foodforthought 

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