"I'll Make You a Mixtape..": Best Summer Songs

by 10:10 PM
Shoelaces by the Submarines

Go Outside by the Cults

God Only Knows (Beach Boys Cover) by Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr.

Bang by the Raveonettes
Alien Summer by The Toxic Avenger feat. ANNIE

Popsicles and Icicles by The Murmaids

Nice Day by Persephone's Bees

Swimming Pool by Freezepop

Kids by Sleigh Bells
  Now someone go eat a popsicle for me!


  1. I don't think my original comment stuck. I have really enjoyed this mixtape - it has been a pleasure to hear the world through someone else's tastebuds. :-)

  2. 'Bang' by the Raveonettes - Blondie meets Phil Spector in a cheap studio, gotta love it.

  3. Your original comment did stick. Thank you for listening, Marie! If you like that idea for music you should check out their "Love in a Trashcan" video. They are also on a European tour at the moment.
