January 11th's "My Chai is Getting Cold and It Makes Me Sad" Vspot

by 9:40 PM
Sure, New Years was surprisingly active, work has me by the balls and I haven't done a Vspot from last year, but I'm sure you can forgive me. If you're out there reading anyway.

Le Kid Explains Human Behavior

This is my number one favorite thing in the new year; Le Kid cannot suck, not even doing a cheap job like making a theme song for a TV show, the Swedish-aired "Paradise Hotel." While the title sounds rather 80s, the song "Human Behavior" sounds, like Scandipop released which is so spot-on as "a cross between ‘Bigger Than Jesus’ and ‘Escape.'" Oh I second this. Check the full song on soundcloud and hope that there's a free mp3... like saaay, Mr. Brightside?

Josh Groban... oh Josh!

The audio-visual love continues with the Groban Brothers Comedy Hour, yes you heard it right. Josh and Chris make a vlog on Josh's site to explain the progress of his studio time, Chris's music video he shot for Josh, and other silliness. It's more than I could ever describe, just watch here!

One Life to Live says Goodbye

I don't know what my life will be like as of January 16 as ABC screwed itself once more realizing the loss of the soaps after firing Brian Frons, President of ABC daytime TV (or maybe he quit since his contract just expired at the beginning of this year). They attempted sealing up the wound a little bit by allowing OLTL favorites Roger Howarth, Kristen Alderson, Kassie DePaiva, and Michael Easton to meld into General Hospital; but what if another network shows interest in reviving it? Sadly, there's no good way to look at this, just cry your eyes out as Kristen Alderson sang last Friday the soap's theme in the 90s, extended and without schticky 90s accompaniment on soundcloud and pray to God you won't cry for two hours after the show on Friday, like I did last Friday. 

HelloGiggles Continues to be Woman's Best Friend

How can HelloGiggles get anymore love from me? Easy, if Lauren Owen continues this "Adventures in Thrifting" where she calls bullshit on clothing sizes. This makes me jump back to my Shopping Guide:3 Ways to Try Clothes Without Stepping in the Dressing Room post minus the hate for the baggy arm styles that's going on lately. Let me refer to it with the main rules: 1. Know your Body. 2. "The Tug Rule" 3. The Seam Ripper is your new best friend! 

It looks like the sentiment is shared in her latest post. But I'm looking at Clothes Sizes Are Stupid, Part 2 where she sticks to the legalities. "So basically, companies deliberately have their own unique sizing; they’re hoping you’ll be comfortable with their particular fit and be frustrated when you shop elsewhere." She sums up on NPR's article "From Body Scan to Body Form: Sizing a Clothing Line" which attempts to explain why sizes are inconsistent from store to store. I'll stick to Revival and my instincts, thanks department stores.

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