9:49 PM
Warning: Spoilers Included
One Night Stand
(Season 3, Episode 4)
When multiple drownings have occurred in Portland, Nick and Hank stumble on a new type of Wesen of the mermaid kind with vicious male counterparts. Rosalee starts to move into Monroe's place. Renard discovers who the royal baby's birth mother is. Juliette finds a curious email in Nick's inbox with the signature M.
Literature Used: The Little Mermaid
Wesen Featured: Blutbad (werewolf), Fuchsbau (fox), Half-Zauberbieste (warlock), Naiad (mermaid)
Best Quotes:
Jake: I just -- she came over and she just wasn't... normal.
Nick: Nobody is, Jake. it's Portland.
Best Moments:
Rosalee allowing Monroe to leave her to unpacking her stuff and to go to the trailer with the boys.
Elly swimming in Jake's swimming pool then woges in front of him.
Nick doing his own Grimm woge-ing in front of Hank after pulling Elly out of the water.
The Stories We Tell Our Young
(Season 3, Episode 6)

Literature Used: Inuit mythology
Wesen Featured: Blutbad (werewolf), fuchsbau (fox), Half-Zauberbieste (warlock), Hundjager (hound dog), Pflichttreue (panther)
Best Quotes:
Monroe: So I guess it's time for the "Birds and the whole Bienen-Wesen" talk.
Nick: I like to think we live in an enlightened age. Where fear does not drive belief. That's the truth behind the fear.
Alexander: Fear is not an easy thing to change.
Nick: Try
Best Moments:
Every time Renard turns into an action star and starts killing people.
The medical treatment scene in the little boy's outside fort.
Twelve Days of Krampus
(Season 3, Episode 8)
A Santa-like Wesen is terrorizing troublemaking teenaged children and it's up to Nick, Hank, Bud and Monroe to stop it. Over in Vienna, Renard is continued to be pursued by the Verrat as he insists that the Grimm he has will help them defeat the seven royal families despite their distrust in him for being half-royal. Monroe enlists Juliette to help him surprise Rosalee with the way he celebrates and decorates for Christmas but ends up falling flat on his face in the process as Rosalee's depressing history unfolds a little more. Renard leaves Adalind a message.
Literature Used: O Tannenbaum
Wesen Featured: Blutbad (werewolf), Fuchsbau (fox), Half-Zauberbieste (Warlock), Krampus (anti-Santa sheep-like Wesen), Eisbiber (beaver), Schakal (jackal), Hundjager (hound dog)
Best Quotes:
Monroe: You know, I've got a lot going on today. Gotta get these jobs out before Christmas, because you know, clock repairs. Need to be timely.
Rosalee: Is that a clock joke?
Monroe: Just a tiny one. Sorry, I heard it second-hand.
Rosalee: Yikes. I'm leaving before you can think of anymore.
Wu: Don't worry, I'm not going to give you crap about arresting Santa Claus in front of a bunch of children. But I wouldn't expect under the tree this year.
Hank: You picking anything up?
Monroe: I got nothing. Except the smell of fear on Bud.
Renard: I am royal and I can be a bastard.
Wu: Besides the red suit and the black boots, he looked like something out of... and I quote "my worst drug crazed, acid induced, flashback nightmare."
Juliette: "You arrested Santa?"
Best Moments:
Interaction between Juliette and Monroe as they decorate his home.
Nick beating up on a Schakal posing as a Santa as on-lookers stand there doing nothing but recording the incident on their phones.
Girl talk between Juliette and Rosalee.
Nick getting choked by Krampus's rope and not being affected (except for a little CGI-tinting of his skin)
When Rosalee leaves out a beer and cigar for Santa.
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Eyes of the Beholder
(Season 3, Episode 10)
Hank's physical therapist and crush is involved in a current case involving street gangs and her younger brother whom she is raising. Juliette is feeling more awkward around her college room mate after discovering she's Wesen and seeks out advice from Rosalee on what she should do. Alicia's boyfriend makes a move to take her home but results in Juliette defending her best friend.
Literature: The Merchant of Venice
Wesen Featured: Blutbad (werewolf), Fuchsbau (fox), Half-Zauberbiest (warlock), Klaustreich (alley cat), Yaguarate (jaguar)
Best Quotes:
Nick: That's quite a way to send a message. Cutting off the head of a serpent.
Monroe: Or in this case, the head of the Yaguarate (Nick and Hank stare) Serpent's good.
Monroe: I'm glad you're not perfect.
Rosalee: Who says I'm not perfect?
Monroe: Not me.
Rosalee: You have to play more often. Got any more?
Monroe: I do, I do. I have a Mozart, a Bach, a very nice Brahms. And I got a Rimsky-Korsakov from Scheherazade that'll knock your babushka off.
Rosalee: Oh, the babushka one.
Best Moments:
Hank and Zuri looking very toasty towards each other.
Monroe playing his cello again!!!
Juliette kicking her best friend's abusive boyfriend's ass.
Hank playing video games with Zuri's little brother.
Mommy Dearest
(Season 3, Episode 14)
As Prince Victor's men close in, Adalind gives birth to Sean's daughter and gets her powers back. [Drew] Wu comes in contact with his first Wesen that feeds on his childhood best friend's womb fluid and it's only the question if Hank and Nick should tell him he's not crazy.
Literature: Legend of Gello/Asswang
Wesen Featured: Blutbad (werewolf), Fuchsbau (fox), Half-Zauberbiest (warlock), Hexenbiest (witch), Asswang
Best Quotes:
Drew Wu: "Sometimes my cat gets mad at me, and all she needs is a belly rub."
Drew Wu: "Sometimes my cat gets mad at me, and all she needs is a belly rub."
Best Moments:
Wu seeing his first Wesen, finally being addressed by his first name (Spoilers... it's Drew), and overall being amazing showing he is devoted and maybe a little in love with Dana. And even his choice in going straight to a psych ward. Everything Drew Wu!
The Law of Sacrifice
(Season 3, Episode 18)
Prince Viktor and the Verrat are on the hunt for Adalind and her child and closing in even tighter. Immediately, the whole Grimm gang has no choice but to help Adalind as **spoiler** Diana's **spoiler** life continues to be in danger as long as she is with her mother. It only ends in heartbreak.
Literature: Rumpelstiltskin
Wesen Featured: Hexenbiest (Witch), Half-Zauberbiest (Warlock), Blutbad (werewolf) Fuchsbau (fox)
Best Quotes:
Wu: (pronouncing Viktor's long full name) "I may have inadvertently dropped a -berg or a -dorf or two."
Monroe: "How was my German?"
Hank: "I believe him."
Monroe: "But you don't speak German."
Monroe: "How was my German?"
Hank: "I believe him."
Monroe: "But you don't speak German."
Best Moments: Adalind in the street discovering Sean took her baby from her and her hexenbiest powers break a million car windows.
The stand off between Prince Viktor and Sean.
Everything Sean this episode: the pain in his face realizing he has a child, when he has to give her up and **spoiler** the compassion in his face knowing he has to live without his daughter..
The Inheritance
(Season 3, Episode 21)
A dying Grimm travels all the way to Portland from Philadelphia to give Nick his trunk of Grimm weapons including... dun dun dun, a second key much against the Grimm's son's behest. Rosalee starts to feel anxiety over the wedding as Adalind finally puts her plans to destroy Nick into action.
Literature: The Water of Life
Wesen Featured: Blutbad (werewolf), Fuchsbau (fox), Half-Zauberbiest (warlock), Hexenbiest (witch), Hundjager (hound dog)
Best Quotes:
Rosalee: "It's just all gotten so overwhelming."
Monroe: "Honey, it's a wedding. It's supposed to be overwhelming; to keep you from doing this more than once."
Rosalee: "I just... I have this feeling something awful is going to happen."
Monroe: "That's the spirit."
Trubel: "What's up with this key he keeps talking about?"
Nick: "It's along story. It has to do with the Crusades and a bunch of knights who were Grimms who found something they thought no one else should have, so they buried it in the Black Forest and made a bunch of keys that had a map that supposedly leads to where it is. Is that enough?
Trubel: "Good enough for now."
Monroe: "Well we're one key closer to god knows what"
Rosalee: "I don't think we'll ever know."
Josh: "I don't think I want to know. But at least now I know my Dad wasn't crazy; unless all of you are."
(everyone looks at each other)
Best Moments:
Trubel admitting she was almost raped and attacked by a Wesen.
The magical deviance all over Alexis Denisof's (Prince Viktor) sexy mug.
Not necessarily a best moment but the freakish moment where Hank almost legitimately got ran over by a member of the Verrat. That was extremely close for a TV show!
Everything about that fight with the Verrat members -- possibly the most intense fight in Grimm history.
The magical deviance all over Alexis Denisof's (Prince Viktor) sexy mug.
Not necessarily a best moment but the freakish moment where Hank almost legitimately got ran over by a member of the Verrat. That was extremely close for a TV show!
Everything about that fight with the Verrat members -- possibly the most intense fight in Grimm history.
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