1:43 PM
They're animan-y, totally insan-y and wonderfully snarky. I love Animaniacs and I'm not sorry for it; what's there to feel sorry about? Wakko, Yakko and Dot featured a '90s sensibility with Hollywood references and the occasional lesson-song (The Universe Song or States and Capitals, anyone?) all packaged within the classic Warner Brothers shtick. So which ones are my favorite? I'm glad you asked...
Every time Wakko, Yakko and Dot
Covered Shakespeare
Dot's "I'm Cute" Song
Pinky and the Brain's "Spellbound"
Yakko, Wakko and Dot Parody
The Seventh Seal in "Meatballs or Consequences"
Wakko, Yakko and Dot Make
A Million and One Movie References in
"Video Review"
When Wakko, Yakko and Dot
Become the Ones Annoyed in
Chairman of the Bored
I love Dot's "I'm going to hurt my brother" bit so much so I took a picture off of the TV and made a still.
Ones that lack video evidence...
- The Flame/The Flame Returns
- Lookit the Fuzzy Heads
- Les Miseranimals
- The Warner's 65th Anniversary Special
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