10:05 PM
Pop culture is starting to pop a little lately. I think I shall blame Christmas. And while we're on the discussion of "that wonderful time of the year" -- remember to check out my Very Ultimate and Alternative Christmas Playlist so you have a Christmas soundtrack that doesn't make you want gouge your eyes out to the tune of Bing Crosby and Nat King Cole.
Sweet Valley High Movie Adaptation

Erin and Her Cello is "Sober" (kind of)
Erin and her Cello is known to be somewhere between humorist and hardcore singer-songwriter, making an intimacy in her music that feels like an acoustic concert. Well, this acoustic concert within Sober is somewhere between darkly satirical and truth but all around hysterical!
Buy HelloGiggles for Christmas
What can possibly make me a really happy girl this Christmas? Besides a woman under my mistletoe threshold... Anything Zooey Deschanel-ish I can own! Well now, Zooey, Molls and Sophia have merch and guess what girl desperately wants The Gigglers t-shirt? This girl.
Dum Dum Girls get BUSTy
There is nothing hotter than gorgeous voluptuous women with long legs in leather, heels and looking incredibly bad ass... well, unless these gorgeous voluptuous women with long legs in leather heels are Sandy, Bambi, Dee Dee and Jules aka. The Dum Dum Girls as they are everywhere thanks to their latest album Only in Dreams and their amazing video for Bedroom Eyes which shows off those amazing legs even more in a retro kind of way. They are kicking ass by fashion and taking names in this season's BUST Magazine.
Download Sharon van Etten's "Serpents"
Clearly there are two albums I want to actually buy and I cannot distinguish one over the other... I'm buying them both! Between Emmy the Great and Tim Wheeler's Christmas album and Sharon van Etten's 2012 released "Tramp"! So what is a girl supposed to do until February 7th? Thank the power of stereogum for having free download of "Serpents!" Oh *drool*
Nylon's Dani Stahl "Scouts" for E!
When I heard that two of my favorite things (Nylon Magazine and a guilty pleasure off of E! Channel) collide together, it's bound to be epically... wonderful or absolutely painful. I expected the candy colored glossy's Editor-at-Large to be 100 % awesome, which she indeed was and photographs wonderfully, how she fell so sweetly in love with model hopeful Gillian from Texas. That would be the only reason I would watch this show where talent scouts attempt to not look creepy just walking around staring at girls until they find two girls to pit against each other and see which one gets signed. Sounds easy, right?
It all seemed sweet, a little inspirational and maybe a little forward in reality television (it felt definitely real versus America's Next Top Model it is also defined as a mini docu-series which is a perk) until the sick and sad truths about the fashion industry came falling out when One Management's Director of Scouting Julia Samersova intricately critiqued the tiny Gillian to lose her baby fat and size 6 Jennifer as being "too large" and "must tone up her legs, those are not model legs" which sent my pro-plus size mind into a tailspin. I screamed at my TV. Would One Management actively scout for a plus size girl? Unfortunately, I'm not going to hold my breath and continue to watch Scouted the way I read Nylon -- they may have high fashion and awesome clothes, but won't pay attention to the models' bodies anytime soon.
Grammy Award Nominations 2012
So who am I willing to put my bets on for the freshly released Grammy Nominations? Being the fact that Bon Iver has finally broke through their Midwestern indie bounds right onto the Grammy stage with FOUR nominations including Record of the Year, Best New Artist Best Alternative Album (despite being up against popular favorites My Morning Jacket, Foster the People and Radiohead), Record and Song of the Year with Holcene, although being up against the toughest competition including Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, The Band Perry and other more pop-radio friendly music.
Is this the Yeah Yeah Yeah's It's Blitz! all over again?
Is this like last year when Arcade Fire and Mumford and Sons did one big Indie sweep?
Is Bon Iver's Holcene just another piece of proof that music is still a track to track album that is more than just to be downloaded onto an I-Pod?
More Indie favorites are making a sweep across the Grammy's airing February 12th on CBS, Robyn's single "Call Your Girlfriend" is up for Best Dance Recording (*crossing fingers*) and her album Body Talk Pt. 3 for Best Dance/Electronica Album, she has been snubbed in the past but because of lesser known artists nominated beside her, there is no reason for her not to win!
And for pop radio friendly nominees such as Gaga, Foster the People, Katy Perry and Adele? I'm seriously all about Adele, she's one of the few radio-friendlies I can stand.
Place your bets.
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